Saturday, June 6, 2009

Abstinence is the Best Protection

I have spent the last two months trying to purify my body of all toxins and chemicals. Now, I won't pretend I've been perfect. Like, although I have eaten a lot more natural foods, I have not purchased too many organic veggies and fruits and therefore, I'm sure, still have pesticides coursing through my veins. And I have not completely given up libations (blast you margies and your seductive allure!).

Still, I know that I am a lot more "pure" than I used to be. When people have asked how veganism has been treating me, I've always considered the question carefully and answered, "Yeah, I guess I do have more energy. It's been a lot easier to wake up in the mornings and I am getting a better night's sleep. So I suppose I do feel better over all." I've noticed little changes and improvements in my quality of life, but nothing just monumental.

That is, until today.

As part of my change to a healthy lifestyle I gave up the daily coffee and replaced it with orange juice. Firstly, I wanted to cleanse my body of the caffeine. Secondly, I only really like my coffee with creamer, and since I was giving up dairy, my morning coffee kind of went with it. I didn't go through any withdrawal to speak of, and the orange juice has been a wonderful kick-start to my day! Now, I have had the occasional soy latte since the big switch, but it's been decaf (which I know is not any better for me chemically, but there again, not perfect yet...).

Today I was feeling saucy but thrifty, so decided that I would like to make my own homemade iced soy latte. However, the only coffee I had in the house was full octane. "Oh, well," I thought, "caffeine this once won't kill me." And I proceeded to make my latte.

Holy s.....stuff.

I gave up coffee once for Lent, but I didn't really have any problems going back on it. Probably because I continued to ingest caffeine through other sources like soda. But today, half a glass just about sent me through the roof. And not in a good boost-of-energy sort of way. More like a bad-hit. Not that I've ever used illegal drugs, but from what I understand, the wrong stuff will send you off sick and wanting to crawl right out of your skin. And now, about an hour later, I just want to crash for several hours.

Coffee used to be my solace beverage, my personal escape. But now I can honestly say that after today I never want to experience coffee again. And when people ask me if I've noticed a difference in how I feel as a vegan, I can say with true conviction, "YYYEEEESSSSSSS."

1 comment:

  1. I totally empathize with you on this one!

    I gave up almost all caffeine during my second pregnancy because I was having kidney problems. I decided after ward to just keep avoiding it...and still do, almost 7 years later. But every once in a while, Starbucks just sucks me in. I will have about a half a coffee and I am on the ceiling for hours. Then the resulting crash is so horrible, I vow to never do it again!
