Saturday, May 9, 2009

The intro...

Welcome to "Crackin' My Veggies Up," the sequel to my original blog "Crackin' My Stuff Up." I will be using this blog to reach out to those individuals who, like me, have recently decided to freshen up their dietary habits and turn to veganism. I don't pretend to be an expert. In fact, that is one of the main reasons I created this blog. I am new to this whole experience, and any help or advice that someone might have would be greatly appreciated! I do ask one thing: If I have posted some information that you believe to be wrong, feel free to correct me, but please reference where you got your information.

I made the decision from the get-go to be as accurate about this as possible. The only thing is, I'm not a nutritionist - not even close - so I'm not perfect at this yet. I might inadvertantly eat something out like noodles and then realize later that eggs or milk was used to make them. Because I am a beginner I am reading and working to further educate myself so that I won't make these kinds of boo-boos, but for now I'm willing to accept these kinds of mistakes and move forward. Thus, there will be no beating anyone up on this blog. This is about creating a community of learning. We're all trying to better ourselves, so how can we be critical of that?

So, even if you aren't a vegan, please read and enjoy! Maybe you'll be inspired to try it, or maybe you'll feel inclined to try a few new foods. Or maybe reading about the whole experience will make you want to beeline to your nearest steakhouse. However you are stirred, just know that no one will judge you. We just want you to be our friend. :)

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